No, there is no minimum order value to order. But we have the minimum order value for Free shipping and for COD orders
Yes, Customers can place bulk orders as per their requirements.
We have provided all these information in our official website
Yes, If one face any issues with the product post delivery you can simpy reach out to us via customer care number, Email and chat for any assistance within the return/refund policy.
You can seemlessly track order with the help of our App. We can only track the order once the order get dispatched. It initially takes 48hours for dispatch.
It depends on the Pincode of the customer. If pincode not shared then will inform the customer the standard delivery TAT of 4-5days.
WitBazar accepts COD and Online Payment both"
To place an order on WitBazar's website, simply select the desired product and click on the ""Buy Now"" button. Follow the prompts to proceed to checkout, where you can enter your shipping and payment details to complete the order."
WitBazar offers a wide range of various categories’s product. Plz visit
Collaborating with WitBazar as an influencer/company/Seller/Trader can be a mutually beneficial partnership where you promote our products or brand in exchange for various benefits. Please fill out the form for collaboration with us using this link :
1) Open the or Download WitBazar app via playstore.
2) once you open the web, Sign up in register section. or the app click on accout option
3) enter your phone no. where you will receive the otp
4) please enter the OTP so that you will be registered with WitBazar.
The same step to be followed for WitBazar Website.